Modern heroine for children

Nov 13, 2020

Hi everyone! Today, in this post i wanted to share with you some interesting story about my own childhood hero — Samantha Smith, a peace activist. In my opinion, she is an exemplary role model for young boys and girls, especially her acts and interest in our future life.

So, Samantha was an ordinary young girl from Michigan, America, who became famous during the Cold War between the USA and the Soviet Union. She wrote the letter to Yuri Andropov, new general secretary, and received a personal reply with a personal invitation to visit the Soviet Union, which she accepted.

After that, she become the America’s youngest ambassador of Goodwill ambassador and immortal sigh of children’s peace of America and USSR.

I found out about her when i was 11 years old as i rememberer. I saw her photo at my father’s mark album. Then my mother told me about the resonance that Samantha made in USSR, it was truly the most popular topic in Soviet Russia, everyone heard about this brave young girl from America.

This story really amazed me and it still being my favorite story about peacemaker. It shows that all of us is a children of world and peace is the most general precious that we have.

